Saturday, January 17, 2009

Steveo Blog from S41 Myspace!


What's crackin' dudes? Just wanted to give you another update as to what The Sums are up to. Last week I went over to Deryck's house to listen to some new tunes and work on some stuff, but we ended up having one to many beverages and our productive meeting ended with me passed out on the couch and Deryck passed out on the floor in the next room. Some things never change... A house with 5 bedrooms and neither of us were capable of making it to one of them = Professional. Musicians. Anyway, the new stuff sounds really cool and I've been practicing for the past few days to get ready for another recording session on Tuesday. I think we're doing two songs. To prepare, I'm going to go on a cleanse of sorts - no booze for one whole meal a day, some probiotics dissoved in the hip-hop vitamin water of my choice (I prefer the kind owned by that guy who was shot) and then maybe I'll soak in the tub for a few hours. As you can see we're very busy. Check back soon for more awesome updates. Stevo.

--- SUM 41 BLOG

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