Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tix On Sale!

Hey, so we are playing a few shows in the next few months in Japan, Pomona and a few in the North Eastern U.S.
Just wanted to let everyone know all shows are now on sale!



Thursday, February 26, 2009


something very cool has been happening. 1) i've been writing a lot lately. 2) just like on every album we put out, my writing process changes every time. and to be honest i'm not sure why. it just kind of happens. the cool thing about this time is that for some reason everything i'm writing is coming so naturally and i really am not thinking about any of it. and so far i have about 16 new songs and every single song i have, i'm singing about things that i've never talked about before on any other album. i guess i'm telling you this because i'm actually surprising myself. and at this point i wasn't really expecting that. there's not much else to tell really, other than i'm starting to get really excited about where these songs are going. musically we're going somewhere different and now lyrically it's total-ly different. but i really feel like it's working well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sum Chefs...

Sum 41 Work at Denny's! :D

Go Here;;

Pictures Will Be Added ASAP!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


...Will be included with the All The Good Sh** CD. It will feature all of their music videos.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Deryck Blogs

i hate to say this but our the powers that be, that i won't specifically mention, will NOT let me put out the song i was about to give you guys. they think lyrically it's "too much" and i've gone too far. which i disagree. i think the song is really cool and you guys will totally love it. i am still going to try and put it out, but sometimes contracts can be a bitch.


----Found here.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Header

I hope you like the change! :D

Looking for help!

Ok, I need someone to help post news around here; aka, co-owner.
You'll need to give me the answers to these questions:

How old are you? (must be 14+)

Do you find Sum 41+Deryck updates easily?

Why should I accept you?


1. You MUST cite your sources.
2. NO cussing.
3. Respect people's opinions.
4. Be nice overall to anyone and everyone.


As an example for me, I want you to make a news post for me in an e-mail form.
Use this as an example of news to give me:

E-Mail me with your attempt!

Mark Hoppus NOT on new album

Hey Sums Please answer this. I asked a question before about Mark Hoppus producing you next album, but I wanted to ask if Mark Hoppus will be vocals in YOUR next single, but I typed it wrong. Sorry for the confusion. :)
asked by Mulholland Man on Feb 17, 2009 10:23pm
i don't know where this all came from but it's just a rumor.
answered by deryck on Feb 18, 2009 12:36am


"ALL THE GOOD SH**" Album cover.

Click here to see it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

SUM 41 is making an ALBUM!

there was talk about doing an ep and then that turned into other things. next thing you know we're sitting here with a whole bunch of songs that we really like. so instead of doing anything else we've just decided to go and make a full album. as to when it will come out, i don't know. i would say it's safe to say it will be out this year. unless for some reason we need to keep going and it pushes it back further. but right now everything is on track and feels good. things are going to start moving fast here so keep checking back for updates as much as possible.

see you all soon!


New-Old Photos Added to Deryck's MySpace.

View them here.
I already have some of the photos, and I may add more later.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



hey, i'm really excited to tell you all we've added a coupe of new shows. we're going to start out with a small warm up show at the place where it all started with us. at the glass house in pomona california on MARCH 29th. tix will be available this saturday for $10!!!! this show is going to be really fun.

also we're going to be playing at the bamboozle festival on may 3rd. you can get tix at

we'll have lots of updates in the near future so keep checking back.



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009


hey, we have some great news. for those of you who don't know, we released a greatest hits in japan at the end of last year. we've been getting a lot of fans asking us to release it around the world. so we've decided to just go for it and release the greatest hits worldwide so anyone who wants it can go get it. and thanks to all our japanese fans for making it a way bigger success than we all imagined. it's coming out MARCH 17 worldwide. make sure you spread the word! it will be slightly different though. new artwork and different title. it's going to be called SUM 41 - ALL THE GOOD SHIT. we're also in the studio working on our new album that should be out this year too. keep checking back and we'll keep you all updated. thanks a lot


I so can't wait!!! :D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

No new news

Don't think I forgot about IHD, there just has been no recent news of Sum41 or Deryck. Sit tight, and I'll update when there's news.

