Thursday, February 26, 2009


something very cool has been happening. 1) i've been writing a lot lately. 2) just like on every album we put out, my writing process changes every time. and to be honest i'm not sure why. it just kind of happens. the cool thing about this time is that for some reason everything i'm writing is coming so naturally and i really am not thinking about any of it. and so far i have about 16 new songs and every single song i have, i'm singing about things that i've never talked about before on any other album. i guess i'm telling you this because i'm actually surprising myself. and at this point i wasn't really expecting that. there's not much else to tell really, other than i'm starting to get really excited about where these songs are going. musically we're going somewhere different and now lyrically it's total-ly different. but i really feel like it's working well.

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